EFT Therapy

by Vlasta Kuster

EFT therapy is a therapeutic process with a very high rate of effectiveness and replicability.

I use it with my clients on a daily basis and in my opinion, this is the fastest way to permanently resolve emotional and psychological problems.

Many processes in the human body take place at the energy level - all our emotions and our thoughts are in the energetic form first and later can also be reflected in the physical form.

Likewise, the stress that accumulates in our body is loaded into our energy system.

It often happens that people are physically healthy and medical tests do not detect that something is wrong (for example, blood, urine or ECG), but one still feels psychologically and physically at the bottom.

With EFT therapy, I reach into your energy system, where stress has been written into your body and has a negative effect on you.

In the process of therapy, I look for those events in your life where you have been under intense stress.

I cannot change what really happened to you, but I can change the record in your subconscious where these stressful events have had profound consequences for you.

It is as if you do a "general cleansing" of your subconscious, where I erase old patterns, old negative feelings, physical discomfort ...

... and with that we can:

  • save you from anxiety and panic attacks forever
  • get rid of your depression permanently
  • make sure that you will never be jealous again

  • eliminate your insomnia forever
  • greatly enhance your confidence and raise your self-esteem
  • help your teen solve emotional and behavioral problems forever.

  • help you remove physical symptoms that modern medicine does not find a physical cause for (chest tightness, heart pounding, tingling in different parts of the body, dizziness, nausea, pressure in the head, tension in the neck and shoulders…)

  • make sure that you will never suffer from perfectionism again
  • eliminate various fears (fear of public speaking, fear of illness or death, fear of driving a car…)

  • eliminate energy shortages and exhaustion

After completing therapy, you will be relieved psychologically and physically and you will function better in your professional and personal life.

EFT therapy lasts for 3 months; we meet every week for one hour personal or on-line via Skype. We keep in touch over e-mail or telephone. You are not alone in this process.

Figure 1 shows how EFT therapy works

Figure 1 shows how EFT therapy works: 

there is a woman in tears who is overcome by feelings of powerlessness and sadness. Events from her past have a strong impact on her present situation.

She feels scared and unloved, just as she once was when she was a little girl and criticized.

Her only comforter was her teddy bear.

It was at this developmental stage that she began cultivating certain beliefs about herself: that she was not good enough, that she was not worthy, that no one loved her, that she would be a failure in life, and so on.

If we want to bring resolution to the adult woman, we have to return to her past and give the child inside her the love that she feels she is missing, thereby releasing her present state, as well as her future.

For if we comfort that child, the adult will be automatically comforted.

We thus travel back in time, place ourselves squarely in the middle of painful past events, comfort and reassure the child within us who originally experienced this pain.

With tapping we change the matrix of our patterns, and in doing so, transform our self-image.

With tapping we reach into the subconscious and free it from the childhood emotional pain that a person has been carrying for decades.

During EFT Therapy we comfort the child within. Once we do this, the adult is automatically comforted.

Figure 2: We comfort the child within. Once we do this, the adult is automatically comforted.

If you want to try how EFT therapy works, you can sign up for a free consultation.

Vlasta Kuster, holds an MA degree in Basic Medical Sciences and uses her 3-month EFT therapy in her work to help people to do away with panic attacks and anxiety for good. She has more than 10-year experiences in EFT therapy and achieves at least 90% success in permanently eliminating anxiety and panic attacks. You may contact her through her website freeofpanic.com