Severe Anxiety Treatment With Advanced EFT

by Vlasta Kuster

For severe anxiety treatment advanced EFT for permanent removal of underlying cause can be used

If sufferer of severe anxiety wants to permanently rid themselves of fear, it will be necessary to discover the particular significant events that lie at its root.

From there, the next step is to work through each one of them using tapping. Discovering these significant events requires a little bit of memory-searching.

Whatever the case, as long as this fear persists within you, it indicates an emotional pain that requires attention:

One or more specific events from your past that now have to be uncovered and processed so that you can be without anxiety.

Sometimes we locate particular specific events in childhood; sometimes in the adult years.

However, even when the event in question transpired decades ago, the uncomfortable emotions we experienced at the time remain recorded within us and come alive every time we experience a real-time trigger.

To begin with, make a list of all stressful events. Be patient with yourself while doing this.

Sometimes only one event will come to mind initially, but while you are working with that one, others may spontaneously occur to you that you might otherwise never have thought of. Either way, once you have your initial list, it is time to put tapping to use on the first event at the top of the list.

The process when working with significant past events is as follows:

  1. Begin by searching your mind for events related to anxiety.

  2. Close your eyes and replay the ‘‘movie’’ of the event in your imagination.

    As you watch, pay special attention to how the child in the scene (you) feels. They might, for example, feel humiliated or worrying or wanting nothing more than to disappear.

    Also, be aware of your bodily reaction as you mentally review this scenario.

  3. Next, begin tapping as you observe both your present bodily sensations and the feelings of the child in your mental ‘‘movie’’.

  4. Use tapping on the uncomfortable feelings that arise in response to thinking about the event.

    Let us assume one such feeling is that of increased heart rate. In that case, tap on the karate point and say:

    ‘‘Despite my accelerated heart rate, I love and accept myself.’’

    Then, at every other point, shorten the phrase to:

    ‘‘I have an accelerated heart rate.’’

  5. Use tapping on each feeling you can recognize within the child in the scene you are envisioning.

    Tapping on the karate point, say:
    ‘‘Although I am scared, I love and accept myself.’’

  6. Then use tapping at all the other points: ‘‘I am scared. Repeat the above process until you experience relief.

This means that:

There is no longer any bodily response to thoughts about the event in question.

When you mentally view the past scenario, you see the child (yourself as a child) as calm and relaxed.

If thinking of this particular event still arouses an upset response in some form, continue tapping, maintaining close observation of your bodily reactions throughout.

Always take your current bodily state or the scene as your starting point. While tapping, use whatever words best describe your somatic responses as you think about the triggering event.

These reactions may change from one round of tapping to another.

Always use the words that best describe your current experience, as well as that of the child in the scene as you review it in your mind.

The memory you have, as well as the feeling state of the child, should change as you progress from one round of tapping to the next. The child should start to feel progressively better. Keep repeating the process outlined above until the child in the scene is calm and happy.

Should you feel a lump in your throat while reviewing your past traumatic event, tap using the following words:

At the karate point:

»Despite the lump in my throat, I love and accept myself.«

At all other points:

»I have a lump in my throat.«

If the child in the scene you are envisioning gets angry, say:

At the karate point:

»Although I am angry, I love and accept myself.«

At all other points:

»I am angry.«

As you can see, advanced EFT for severe anxiety treatment is similar to tapping for symptom control. The only difference is that we first have to find the relevant significant event from the past and then focus on it throughout the tapping procedure.

We then use words that describe what happened at the time, maintaining awareness of our body’s physical reaction...

...while we are thinking about the event. Also we are thinking on our sense of self as we watch our ‘‘mental movie’’ of the scene as we remember it.

Continue tapping until your body is completely relaxed and you can honestly shrug your shoulders and say ‘‘This no longer means anything to me.’’

Test the results of your tapping session by evaluating the extent to which your fear has diminished.

If after tapping you still experience nervousness, it is time to begin looking for the next significant triggering event in your past that underlies and has triggered this feeling. Then do another round of tapping, following steps 1-3 above.

When you are not capable of doing this procedure by yourself, you can visit EFT Therapy. I would love to help you overcome your anxiety - permanently.

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Vlasta Kuster, holds an MA degree in Basic Medical Sciences and uses her 3-month EFT therapy in her work to help people to do away with panic attacks and anxiety for good. She has more than 10-year experiences in EFT therapy and achieves at least 90% success in permanently eliminating anxiety and panic attacks. You may contact her through her website