EFT Tapping for Panic Attacks
(video with transcription)

by Vlasta Kuster

Hello, I'm Vlasta Kuster and I would like to show you tapping for panic attacks - how to use tapping technique in the middle of the attack...

,,,if you can do it !

Because we all know panic attack is really difficult stage that the human
experiences... and it's really hard when all the body is endangered, where all
the systems in the body are acting like crazy.

And you cannot control your body, you cannot control your reactions and it's really... panic attack is something that no one wants to experience.

And it's really a very strong fear of death or fear of some heart attack or that something is really difficult going on. I'd like to show you that this Emotional Freedom Technique is simple technique.

It affects our energy system, it affects our fears, our discomfort that we are feeling.

And when you have panic attack, just start tapping on these
points, like here:

  • on the side of the eyebrow,
  • and then side of the eye and
  • under the eye,
  • under the nose,
  • under the mouth,
  • collarbone,
  • under the arm,
  • top of the head.
The 8 tapping points for tapping that needs to be tapped on during panic attack - if you are able to.

You can do it in the middle of panic attack if you can... or immediately after - when the symptoms are getting lower...

During tapping for panic attacks you can speak words "I'm save".

Speaking "I'm save" during tapping  is the most important word that your body needs at the moment of the panic attack.

Because the body fears: "I'm not save", "I'm in danger".

But you are really not in danger. You are safe. This is just imaginary danger that is surround you in the middle of the panic attack.

So you use words"I am safe":

"I am safe. I am safe. I am safe. I am safe. I am safe. I am safe. I am safe".

And just continue: "I'm safe, I am safe. It's okay. It's okay. I'm safe. It's
okay. I'm safe".

Just convince your body: "It's okay, you're safe... I'm safe, it's okay.
It's okay, I am so safe. I'm hear and now."

Try to feel you are here now.

"I am safe. I'm here and now. I am safe. I am so safe. I am safe. I am safe".

Okay... so this is the tapping for panic attack that you can do in the middle of the attack or just right after the panic attack.

So that you calm down your body that the all reactions are getting... intensity is getting lower. But when you are okay, find out what causes your panic attack.

What is the reason behind it ?

What did you experience in your life that your body needs to react with panic attack ?

Because panic attack is always telling you something. It's telling that you that your body is suffering too much and you have to change something.

And what is the cause ?

Usually, there are many reasons, but usually there is some very strong feeling of fear or being in the life threatening situation.

Or some people that experience some violence then develop panic attacks or ... there was some longer period that you didn't live in balance.

So you work too much, you didn't sleep, you didn't eat, and your body just want to tell you:

"Don't do it anymore ! It's not okay!"

So the panic attack is something that wants to teach you something, that wants to let you stop and find the solution.

Because something is going terribly wrong in your life and you need to change it.

And you can change it !

You can find what is it and you can learn tapping technique and you can learn, and you can do tapping on all the specific events that contributed to the development of panic attack.

So this is just the starting point for solving your problem with panic attack.

I hope it was helpful for you and see on the next videos !

EFT Tapping for Panic Attacks video

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Vlasta Kuster, holds an MA degree in Basic Medical Sciences and uses her 3-month EFT therapy in her work to help people to do away with panic attacks and anxiety for good. She has more than 10-year experiences in EFT therapy and achieves at least 90% success in permanently eliminating anxiety and panic attacks. You may contact her through her website freeofpanic.com