Symptoms of a Panic Attack or Anxiety Attack

by Vlasta Kuster

Many people experience dizziness and nausea during the anxiety or panick attack.
Image by Анастасия Гепп from Pixabay

A panic attack or an anxiety attack contains a mixture of many symptoms that are closely entwined.

Due to the fact that so many different symptoms occur at once, this is a very difficult state for an individual experiencing the moments of an attack.

When attacks occur for the first time, people are convinced that they are dying and that their life is coming to an end. People experience strong feelings of fear and horror and besides this they also experience many unpleasant feelings throughout their body.

Furthermore, mental processes are also so intense that they completely overwhelm the person.  

The common denominator in all the symptoms is that a person has no control over their body during a panic attack; they cannot control their thoughts, their feelings nor their physical feelings. All of this together is so intensely overwhelming for the person that some people even experience that they are no longer present in their body during the attack.

When the attack ends, this terrible experience in their body remains so intensely recorded that they never forget it and everyone develops a strong fear before an attack – we could say being afraid of fear.

As a result of this attack they begin to avoid situations that could lead to a repeat attack.

Firstly, let us take a look at which symptoms occur during a panic attack.

It is not necessary that all symptoms occur during the panic attack.

Some people have a certain combination of symptoms, while others have another combination of symptoms.

Symptom of death anxiety, illness anxiety and a fear of going crazy

Yet another symptom during an attack s that people experience strong death anxiety and a severe fear of going crazy.

These fears are so severe that they really leave a deep impression on the person's mind and those who have experienced panic attacks live with death anxiety or a fear of going crazy on a daily basis.

Severe illness anxiety can also be present during the attack.

Dizziness, nausea

Many people experience dizziness and nausea during an attack. They have a feeling that they will lose consciousness.

Many also experience vomiting. It is very difficult for them to control their bodies; they are uncertain; they have difficulty standing upright and their legs are often completely soft or completely hard.

Paresthesia (sensation known as pins and needles), chills, fever

Many people experience paresthesia during the attack. They describe the experience as if electricity passed through their body. All of this can be accompanied by feelings of chills or fever.

A racing heart - another symptom of anxiety or a panic attack

A racing heart also frequently accompanies panic attacks. People are even more scared of this because their first thought is that they are in the middle of a heart attack.

Many cannot understand the fact that an attack often happens in the middle of a pleasant home environment during moments of relaxation and without any direct triggers of stress. It all happens in a totally unpredictable fashion.

Furthermore, racing heart palpitations are something that really give people a scare.

Despite the fact that all the symptoms during the course of a panic attack are really severe, they can be completely treated after three months of therapy. A panic attack is nothing but a signal given by the body to indicate that it needs help and that too much stress has accumulated in the body and that something in your life needs to be radically changed.

Nobody has died because of panic attacks, in fact, they are not life threatening despite the fact that all of them seem to look like they are...

However, they still need to be taken seriously and help from someone who will be able to permanently and effectively treat all these symptoms should be sought as soon as possible.

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Vlasta Kuster, holds an MA degree in Basic Medical Sciences and uses her 3-month EFT therapy in her work to help people to do away with panic attacks and anxiety for good. She has more than 10-year experiences in EFT therapy and achieves at least 90% success in permanently eliminating anxiety and panic attacks. You may contact her through her website